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Home » 5 Foods That May Help You Manage Your Allergies Better

5 Foods That May Help You Manage Your Allergies Better

Whether you are a seasonal sufferer or you have reactions to certain indoor or outdoor allergens, allergies aren’t always easy to manage. If your efforts to keep your allergy symptoms in check need a boost, consider including these foods in your diet.

1. Pineapples

Bromelain is the enzyme in pineapples with the type of anti-inflammatory power that may minimize nasal swelling enough to help you breathe easier. There are also studies suggesting this potent enzyme may slow or stop the development of asthma and similar airway-related conditions.

2. Onions

A powerful flavonoid with antioxidant properties known as quercetin is found in abundance in onions. It may help you get a better handle on your allergies because it acts as a natural antihistamine. It blocks the release and production of compounds that trigger allergic responses within the body called histamines. You’ll also get plenty of quercetin from apples, berries, green and black tea, red wine, and citrus fruits.

3. Turmeric

The curcumin that gives the popular spice turmeric its yellow appearance has strong anti-inflammatory effects. It also blocks the release of histamine, minimizes oxidative stress, and reduces the body’s allergic responses. There’s additional evidence suggesting curcumin may improve nasal airflow and boost immune system efficiency. You’ll be able to absorb the curcumin in turmeric even better if you mix it with black pepper.

4. Yogurt

There’s evidence suggesting probiotics – a healthy type of live bacteria – found in yogurt may ease pollen allergy symptoms in children. Probiotics may also help reduce allergy issues for both sufferers of all ages because of the way they regulate the immune system. Sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, and pickles are some other probiotic-rich foods that may produce similar results.

5. Fish and Other Foods with Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Some studies suggest fish and other fish containing an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids might keep prevent some type of allergies altogether. On a related note, omega-3s also have anti-inflammatory properties that block the production of certain chemicals responsible for allergic reactions. Walnuts, soybeans, eggs, and some leafy greens are additional omega-3 sources.

It’s also a good idea to start the new year by making sure your allergies have been properly diagnosed. For example, if you’ve spent the better part of the past year struggling with nasal allergy symptoms, you may have undiagnosed food allergies. This is important because food allergies sometimes contribute to nasal symptoms. Knowing your allergy triggers can further help with symptom management all year. Beer and wine, for instance, sometimes contributes to nasal congestion.